396. What To Do If Your Tenants Asks To Sub-Lease In Florida

There are a variety of reasons why your tenant may ask to sub-lease in Florida. Some landlords are fine with it, while others are not. Learn more about the process in our latest post!

Subletting can be a viable arrangement, provided that the tenant has obtained explicit consent from the landlord. It’s imperative that all contractual agreements are thorough and well-defined to ensure clarity of roles and responsibilities among all involved parties. When a tenant chooses to sublet to another individual, they essentially enter into a new agreement, while their existing lease with you, the landlord, remains in effect. Taking these essential precautions is crucial to safeguard the integrity of your rental property and maintain its status as a sound investment.


Before granting permission for your tenant to sublease the property, it’s crucial to ensure strict compliance with all the rules, regulations, and community bylaws governing such arrangements. Avoid the risk of penalties or fines associated with unauthorized subleasing. Once you’ve thoroughly researched and clarified these guidelines, you can proceed with the tenant’s request to sublease the property.

In most cases, tenants must obtain explicit permission from the landlord to legally sublet the property. However, it’s worth noting that certain cities may permit subleasing under specific circumstances, even if the lease initially prohibits it. As a responsible landlord, it’s essential to familiarize yourself with the specific regulations applicable in your city to make informed decisions regarding subleasing.

Proper Contracts

When granting permission for your tenant to sublease the property, it’s essential to ensure the proper completion of all contracts in a precise and legally sound manner. The sublease agreement should be crafted in a way that shields you from potential liabilities in case of any complications or issues. It’s crucial to prioritize your protection in this scenario.

To safeguard your interests, it’s imperative to establish clear guidelines in advance. Address important details such as the recipient of the rent payments from the subletter and the protocol for handling utilities. Numerous crucial aspects should be documented in writing before a new occupant assumes residency.


It’s crucial to establish absolute clarity on the fact that if the individual subleasing the house fails to meet their rent obligations, your initial tenant remains fully accountable. They retain ultimate responsibility for upholding their commitments as outlined in the lease agreement between you and them. In cases of unpaid rent, property damage, or the sublessee’s departure, it falls upon the original tenant to cover the rent and address any property restoration requirements stipulated in the original lease agreement.


When your tenant takes the initiative to independently advertise the house for sale, it’s crucial to ensure they are adhering to all fair housing laws. Failure to do so could potentially expose you to legal violations. If you choose to permit their advertising, it’s advisable to thoroughly review their marketing materials to ensure full compliance with legal requirements.

Tenant Screening

Do you prefer your tenant to handle all the screening, or would you like to be actively involved in the process? It’s essential to establish specific criteria to ensure that your tenant doesn’t end up subletting to someone who might become a nuisance. The incoming individual must be responsible and capable of consistently paying rent each month. I recommend encouraging your tenant to collect a deposit, which can help mitigate potential losses in case any issues arise during the sublet arrangement.

Allowing your tenant to sublet the property can offer numerous advantages. Let’s consider a scenario where you have an excellent long-term tenant who has accepted a job opportunity in another city for a period of 6 months. Allowing them to sublet the property to someone else is a more favorable option compared to having a vacant house or engaging in disputes over a broken lease. When the right subletters enter the picture, it can be a mutually beneficial arrangement. The short-term renter finds suitable housing, your tenant retains the property for their future return, and you continue to receive monthly rent payments.

Learn more about how to handle a sub-lease in Florida! Contact us today! (786) 904-1444 

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