395. 5 Benefits of Selling Your House Via Rent to Own in Florida

If you’re thinking about selling your house but can hang on to it as a rental for a few more years, you might want to explore the option of rent-to-own. It comes with some advantages worth considering.

There’s a substantial pool of potential buyers eagerly awaiting such opportunities. They aspire to experience the benefits of homeownership before committing to a mortgage. Additionally, for landlords, opting for rent-to-own agreements can be a strategic move, especially if you already have a reliable tenant in residence. Join us as we delve into an exploration of five advantages associated with selling your house through the rent-to-own approach in Florida.


Selling your house through a rent-to-own arrangement in Florida offers a notable advantage in the form of accumulating equity throughout the contract’s duration. This means that when the property transaction is finalized, you stand to realize more substantial profits from the sale. To gain a comprehensive understanding of the potential returns, consider engaging with a local professional home buyer, such as those affiliated with 123SoldCash, who can provide valuable insights into the expected outcomes.


Another advantage of selling your house through a rent-to-own arrangement in Florida is that you won’t experience any delays in receiving the deposit funds. Your regular cash flow will kick in right away, helping to offset any expenses associated with holding the property. When you partner with a local professional home buyer, such as 123SoldCash, you can expect a swift process, with cash in hand within a matter of days. Our proficient team of local experts operates with efficiency to assist sellers like you in achieving your goals at lightning speed.

Rental Income

Selling your house through a rent-to-own arrangement in Florida can be likened to extracting the last drops of value from your property. As rental rates continue to climb, you stand to realize a significant boost in the returns on your initial investment in the house before ultimately parting ways with the property. Another advantage comes in the form of rental premiums, which are added to the monthly rent. These premiums serve as an additional benefit, as they contribute towards the buyer’s eventual down payment if they choose to exercise their buying option. In the event the buyer opts not to proceed, you retain both the option fee charged for their down payment and the premium payments. Opting for a rent-to-own arrangement with a professional home buyer like 123SoldCash eliminates concerns about potential buyer withdrawals or the need to search for another buyer in the future, providing peace of mind throughout the process.

Property Management

Selling your house through a rent-to-own arrangement in Florida brings the advantage of minimal landlord responsibilities. Unlike traditional rental properties, you’ll find yourself with little to do other than collect your income. You have the flexibility to structure the contract in a way that alleviates the burden of routine repairs and maintenance, with most of these expenses falling on the tenant. The tenant typically treats the property as their own, and there may even be a predefined limit on the repair costs for which they are responsible.

Additional Savings

Rent-to-own sales offer another advantage: you won’t have to cover the monthly mortgage and utilities that you’d typically be responsible for during a conventional listing period, leading to additional savings. Furthermore, when you collaborate with a local professional home buyer like 123SoldCash, you can benefit from a commission-free, no-closing-cost, and transparent fee arrangement, ensuring that your profits remain intact.

The proficient home buying team at 123SoldCash is ready to purchase your property at your designated price through the rent-to-own option. If you’d like to discuss the benefits of selling your house via rent-to-own in Florida, our experienced professionals are here to address your inquiries or concerns without any obligations. At 123SoldCash, we take pride in our commitment to assisting our neighbors in Florida with their real estate needs, and we aim to leave you with a positive experience long after the transaction is complete. Feel free to reach out to 123SoldCash at (786) 904-1444 for further assistance.

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